Welcome to the Creative Space

The Creative Space is where Meraki Macrame comes to life! It is a special room in my home where art happens, messes get made, and thoughts and ideas are formed. I wanted to have a spot on my website to share some of these thoughts with you. Don’t expect any kind of scheduled posts, themed topics, or organized thoughts here. This is a little corner of my world that I want you to be a part of, dust bunnies and all.

I will be using this space in the future to share ideas about my business with you, process lessons I’m learning, struggles I am wrestling with, victories I’m celebrating, and sharing random life hacks that I’ve found helpful in this small business adventure. This may look like “10 things I absolutely must have at markets”, or “Good ideas I had that turned out to not be very good ideas at all”. I am excited to have a space where I can more fully expound upon my thoughts as a small business owner and a creative. I know there are those of you who are starting out on this journey yourself, and you want some insight on how it went for me. There are also those of you who are also in the trenches with me in this endeavor, and this can be a place where we try to figure it out together. Then there might be some of you who are just plain curious or even nosy about my life as a small business owner, artist, mother, and cat-wrangler. This space is for you too!

I hope to share thoughts with you here as often as I can get around to it. Thanks for joining me in the Creative Space!


Why I Didn’t Do a Fall Collection